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TikTok Down

Your fast, free, and watermark-free online TikTok video downloader, no registration required!

By using this service you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


No Watermark

Download TikTok videos without a watermark and without any restrictions.

No Ads

Download TikTok videos without any ads.

Easy to Use

Download TikTok videos with just a few clicks.

How to Download TikTok Videos?

To download a TikTok video without a watermark, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your phone.
  2. Find the video you want to download.
  3. Click on the "Share" button on the right of the video.
  4. Click on the "Copy Link" button.
  5. Paste the link in the box above and click "Download".
  6. Click on the "Download" button.
  7. Enjoy your video!

?+ Videos Downloaded

?+ Users Around the World


TikTok Down is a free online tool that allows you to download TikTok videos without a watermark.

Yes, TikTok Down is completely free to use.

Yes, TikTok Down is completely safe to use.

Yes, TikTok Down is legal.

To download a TikTok video without a watermark, follow these steps:

1. Open the TikTok app on your phone.
2. Find the video you want to download.
3. Click on the "Share" button on the right of the video.
4. Click on the "Copy Link" button.
5. Open TikTok Down and paste the link in the box above and click "Download".
6. Click on the "Download" below the video.
7. Enjoy your video!

To get the TikTok video link, follow these steps:

1. Open the TikTok app on your phone.
2. Find the video you want to download.
3. Click on the "Share" button on the right of the video.
4. Click on the "Copy Link" button.
5. The link is now copied to your clipboard.

For example, the link will look like this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJtECDNJ/ or https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok/video/7028048697848145926

When you download files, they typically get stored in the folder designated as your default, which is usually set by your browser. However, you have the option to manually select a different destination folder for your downloaded TikTok videos through your browser settings.

No, you do not need to install any software or extensions. TikTok Down is a web application that runs in your browser.

No, TikTok Down is completely free to use and there is no catch or hidden fees.

Yes, TikTok Down works on all devices including computers, tablets, and phones. Yes, it’s better to use TikTok Down to save no-watermark TikTok videos on your Android phone. TikTok Down is super FAST, 100% FREE, and getting updated frequently.

No, there is no limit on how many TikTok videos you can download. You can download as many TikTok videos as you want.

No, this is a feature that we are working on and will be available soon.

TikTok Down automatically downloads the highest quality version of the TikTok video.

No, this feature is not available yet but will be available soon.

If you have a question that is not listed here, please contact us at contact@jm26.net and we will get back to you as soon as possible.